With InterSLIP Remote you can control InterSLIP. You still need InterSLIP; InterSLIP Remote is just an addition. To create new configurations, edit them and switch between them you still need InterSLIP Setup.
InterSLIP Remote has four main features which InterSLIP Control and InterSLIP Setup does not have: with InterSLIP Remote you can measure the time you are connected to the Internet, it can redial (this feature can be turned on or off) if the modem of your provider is busy, it keeps a detailed log of all your connects/disconnects and connection times, and last but nor least it is scriptable.
There are three possibilities to connect/disconnect:
• Click on the little phone with the handset up of the "Control"-window to connect and click on the phone with the handset down to disconnect
• Choose "Connect" to connect or "Disconnect" to disconnect from the "File"-menu
• Type C to connect or D to disconnect.
Link States
• Idle
You are not connected to the Internet.
• Waiting for modem
InterSLIP is telling your modem to start dialing
• Dialing
Your modem is dialing the number of your Slip account. You can choose it with InterSLIP Setup. Then it is connecting the modem of your Internet Service provider.
• Logging into gateway
InterSLIP is executing the CCL script you chose with InterSLIP Setup in the "Settings" dialog box of your configuration. There the CCL script is called "Gateway script". It will log you in to your gateway. Messages sent by CCL scripts to the user will be displayed in the second line of the "Control"-window.
• Up and running
You are connected to the Internet.
You can turn Auto-Redial on or off by
• clicking on the small icon with the dial disc of the "Control"-window. It will be crossed out when Auto-Redialing is disabled.
• choosing "Auto-Redial" from the "File"-menu
• typing A
If Auto-Redial is active, it will start another try to connect after a certain amount seconds. You can set it using the "Preferences"-dialog box. InterSLIP Remote interprets a "Dialing"-link state immediate followed by an "Idle"-link state as a failed try to connect, except when you cancel the dialing progress by choosing disconnect. If the try to connect is successful, on the link-state "Dialing" follows "Logging into gateway", not "Idle", you know. But when the modem of your provider is busy, after "Dialing" follows "Idle" because the modem has hanged up.
Time Connected
The time you are connected is displayed in the third row of the status window. You can use this display to determine the number of telephone units you have used.
Connection Sound
You can turn the connection sound on/off using the Preferences dialog (see below). When you're connecting to the Internet and the current try to connect succeeds, the connection sound is played. It is contained in the 'snd '-resource ID 128. You may want to replace this resource with your own sound. Do not choose a sound which is too long because
A) it eats much memory and perhaps there could not be enough free room in the application zone of InterSLIP Remote to load the sound, and more important
B) loading/playing the sound could take so much time that the computer misses some characters from the modem and the login prompt of your provider's server is not recognized.
Scripting InterSLIP Remote
InterSLIP Remote can be controlled via AppleScript. It understands in addition to the standard commands the following commands:
connect: Start an internet connection
[redial boolean] -- Redial if busy?
[redial delay small integer] -- Delay between redials (secs)
[CCL delay small integer] -- Delay between removing CCL messages (secs)
[connection sound boolean] -- Play a connection sound?
You can use the connect command to start a connection. Optionally, four parameters can be passed - they will set the specified options before connection (shortcut for setting them using "set" - see below).
tell application "IS Remote 1.2 PPC"
connect redial delay 20 CCL delay 30 with redial without connection sound
end tell
disconnect: Disconnect internet connection
Use this command to cancel a running Internet connection. There are no parameters.
clear log: Clear the log
clear log
Use this command to clear the log. Routines for accessing the log and connection times will be added in V2.0.
Class options: InterSLIP Remote options
connection status idle/waiting/dialing/logging into gateway/connected/hanging up [r/o] -- Status of connection
logging boolean -- Log connection times?
redial boolean -- Redial if busy?
redial delay small integer -- Delay between redials (secs)
CCL delay small integer -- Delay between removing CCL messages (secs)
connection sound boolean -- Play a connection sound?
These options can be used with the set/get command. You can coerce all of these properties (except for logging, redial, connection sound) to a string using the "as"-parameter of get.
tell application "IS Remote 1.2 PPC"
get connection status as string
end tell
Result: "Idle"
connection status
This is an enumeration. You cannot set this option - it is read-only. Result is one of the following:
Connection is idle
Waiting for modem
Modem is dialing
logging into gateway
CCL script is executed
Connection is running
hanging up
Modem is hanging up
tell application "IS Remote 1.2 PPC"
if connection status is idle then
end if
end tell
logging, redial
If logging is set to true, a log is kept; otherwise, no log is kept. If redial is true, InterSLIP Remote redials when it was not successful in connecting.
tell application "IS Remote 1.2 PPC"
set logging to false
set redial to true
repeat until connection status is connected
end repeat
set logging to true
end tell
This script connects and (if needed, it redials until connecting is successful). This try to connect is not logged. Then it waits until connecting was successful. When you're connected, logging is turned on again. No log entry will show up which tells about this connection until you disconnect - disconnect will show up again.
redial delay, CCL delay
You can use this variables to get and/or set the redial delay/CCL delay. For an explanation of this two delays see the "Preferences dialog" section.
connection sound
To turn the connection sound on or off use this variable.
Preferences dialog
Use this dialog for various settings. You can enter the "redial delay" in seconds. This is the time InterSLIP Remote waits before it tries to connect after a try failed. In the next edit field you can enter the "CCL message delay". This is the time InterSLIP Remote waits before removing a CCL message (such as "Waiting for login prompt...") from its display. Of course a CCL message is removed earlier when there is a newer message. You can also turn on/off the connection sound.
If "Keep Log" is turned on, InterSLIP Remote keeps a detailed log on all connect/disconnect tries. To turn "Keep Log" on/off, choose "Keep Log" from the "File"-menu or click on the "L" in the "Control"-window. The "L" is crossed out when the "Keep Log"-feature is disabled. To show the "Log"-window, in which the log is displayed, choose "Show Log" from the "Edit"-menu. To clear the log, choose "Clear log", also from the "Edit"-menu.
The following messages can be displayed in the "Log"-window, along with the time and date the actions took place:
A) Started trying to connect
You hit the "Connect"-button, chose "Connect" from the "File"-menu or typed C.
B) Connected successful (number of tries: ##)
You were connected successful to the Internet after ## tries to connect (>1 only when the "Auto Redial"-feature is activated.
C) Disconnected (connection duration: ##:##)
You were disconnected from the Internet (by pressing the "Disconnect"-button, choosing "Disconnect" from the "File"-menu or typing D). The connection lasted ##:## minutes.
D) Connecting was aborted
You canceled connecting (during the modem was dialing etc.) before you were connected.
E) Connection was (already) started, but not by IS Remote
You started connecting to the Internet with another program than InterSLIP Remote while InterSLIP Remote was running -or- there was already a connection to the Internet before you launched InterSLIP Remote.
F) IS Remote was quit without disconnecting (measured connection duration: ##:##)
You quit InterSLIP Remote without disconnecting. The time you were connected before you quit InterSLIP Remote was ##:##.
An alert will ask you if you really want to do this if you try it. InterSLIP Remote cannot measure the time you are connected to the Internet if it is not running all over the time you're connected!
At the bottom of the "Log"-window (scroll down until you reach it) there is the total number of log entries and the total connection time displayed.
Version Overview
- fixed bug in AE Quit Handler Code (thanks again to Dan Crevier)
This bug caused to return IS Remote on some machines from
'quit'-AppleScript-calls returning a strange error code.
Unfortunately, this problem did not occur on my Mac.
- hopefully fixed the Preferences-dialog-bug in the 68k-version
- fixed one very small memory leak in the AE Get Handler code (thanks to Dan Crevier)
- corrected Readme-file
- scriptable (thanks to Dan Crevier)
- deactivate control floating window in background
- minor bug fixes (asks whether it should disconnect as soon as user quits and there is still a connection)
- InterSLIP Remote scrolled to the right/bottom when going off the left/top scroll arrow in the log window while holding down the mouse button. Fixed this bug.
- fixed bug which caused InterSLIP Remote to crash when clicking in the Preferences dialog box (only in the 68K-version; I have a PowerMac and so I had trouble to find these two bugs.) [don't know the reason of the second bug; it disappeared after recompiling with CW7.]
- corrected some spelling mistakes in this file
- ported to CodeWarrior 7 IDE
- log window
- preferences dialog
- connection sound
- rewrite application (cleaner, I hope less bugs)
- fixed bug which caused InterSLIP Remote to go to the debugger (and crash if it is not installed) when it cannot find its preferences file
- first release
Future Plans for V2.0
I'm thinking about dividing up InterSLIP Remote into two applications: a scriptable background-only application and an application which contains only the user-interface.
I would also like to make InterSLIP Remote using the PPP protocol in addition to the SLIP protocol. Source code which shows how to control MacPPP is highly appreciated.
I've just started coding. I'm completely rewriting the user interface, making bigger buttons that say what they do.
Future Plans for V1.3
Some SLIP servers have limits on the amount of time you can spend in the net. You will be able to enter this time in the Preferences dialog and let InterSLIP Remote display another field in the window: ”Remaining Time“.
Adding a grow box to the Control window to make it possible to enlarge the window so that longer CCL messages fit in the window.
Matthias Wuttke hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Matthias Wuttke will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Matthias Wuttke or an agent of his has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Matthias Wuttke be liable for any damages, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.
If you use InterSLIP Remote for more than two weeks and you decided to keep it, please send $5 shareware fee to me. If this is to much for you, send less.
You can send me the shareware fee directly - in this case, send cash only, please - or pay to Kagi Shareware using the "Register" program. If you live in Germany, you can transfer the money directly to my account, but please let me know that you transferred the fee.
BLZ: 480 618 18
Kto.-Nr.: 103 644 300
Volksbank Steinhagen
Am Markt 19-23
33803 Steinhagen
About Kagi Shareware
Kagi Shareware is a shareware registration service that is available to any shareware author and can accept a variety of payments from shareware users. Kagi Shareware handles all aspects of registering shareware; collection of payer information, processing of payments, replies to payers, detailed accounting to shareware authors, site license invoicing, etc. The idea is to make it easier for everyone involved with shareware; easier for users to pay shareware fees by providing a variety of payment methods, easier for shareware authors by easing the administrative burden.
For more information about Kagi look at their WWW-site ( or contact Kee Nethery (kee@kagi.com).
Thanks to
In no particular order:
Dan Crevier (a lot of AE-stuff [AppleScript], beta-testing, bug-hunting)
Troy Gaul (Infinity WDEF),
F. Pottier (Floating Unit used in WuFrame),
Marc Elmlund (he found lots of bugs),
Sherman Frost (spelling mistakes, suggestions)
Phil Kearny III, who pointed out the oversight that InterCon is not mentioned in this list ;)
all guys at InterCon, especially Amanda Walker
all users who complained about the bug(s) in V1.0, V1.1 & V1.2,
all users who suggested new features implemented in V1.1,
and, of course & last but not least, to all registered users!
How to contact the author
Please tell me any spelling-mistakes in this Readme (if there are any left :). Please report any bugs or problems you have with InterSLIP Remote - I will try to fix them in the next release. Suggestions are very welcome. If you decide to contact me please send me e-mail (if possible) - it's much faster and not as expensive as snail mail :)
email (Internet):
Snail mail:
Matthias Wuttke
Hilterweg 14
33803 Steinhagen
Phone: +49 (0) (5204) 8502
PS: Sorry for any mistakes in the spelling! Please tell me my mistakes, I'll correct them.